Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Rockin' Style

While I was busying myself with stuff for baby I came across this rocking horse--->

I couldn't pass it up for a grand total of $10- Oh, how I love Craigslist!

I wasn't so keen on the tail and mane so I thought I could make it better. Not knowing if I were having a boy or girl I went with a brown and turquoise yarn from RedHeart.

I turned the drab mane into something not so sorry looking...
So the horse went from drab to fab--->

After I had my daughter, I decided to put a cute flower clip to the mane to add a girlie touch. This was a super fast and super easy project to spruce up baby decor.

I love to do simple and easy projects that make a big difference in a short period of time. I'm not the most patient person when it comes to doing crafts. I am a procrastinator as well, therefore if the project I'm working on doesn't get finished quickly it usually sits around awhile before it gets finished. (If at all.) I have a scarf in the closet that is about done, its been there over two years now. I'm not the proudest of that fact but that's how I roll. :)

I should be getting baby dressed, we're going to pick daddy up from work. He had a flat this morning...

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