Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Names are Letters Too!

This project took a week or so to do by hand, again I am oblivious when it comes to sewing machines, so I sew by hand. I saw some letter pillows on, if you have not visited I HIGHLY recommend it! They literally have everything! I was hoping to post what I saw on there that inspired my letter pillows but alas I couldn't find it. Well here we go:

I like to use my own patterns out of thin cardboard boxes.

Trace and cut out material.   

 This whole project was easy but that was the less time consuming part. Next we have our letters, front and back mind you.

The pins go next, then the long process of hand stitching them comes along. Before they are completely stitched closed the stuffing is added. I also stitched some ribbon to the letters so I could tie them all together. And now I present the finished product:

The picture doesn't do them justice.

They did turn out better than I had planned.
And if your still trying to figure out what letters they are: Leelah.