Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Another monkey see, monkey wanna do...

I know I've posted about something I saw and wanted to do. I saw that top and I just had to make it and I loved it. Now I saw something else and I have got to do it! Here is what I saw:

You can view her blog and step by step tute HERE!

I absolutely love this transformation! My apartment is the upstairs of a house and our entrance is in the front but off to the side. Its very plain and uninviting. So I'm thinking beginning of next week I'm going to try my hand at making my little corner of the world prettier. The only thing: do I ask the landlord for permission or ask for forgiveness after it is all said and done? I'm thinking after I get done with it, and it looks amazing, the landlord will thank me for a job well done. But that's just how I play it out in my head :)

We have a screen door which we have no use for and it really just gets in the way, an ugly green and rusted railing and an absolutely ugly door. The door is a non existent shade of light blue and really dirty, dirty to the point that even bleach cleaner can't get it clean. The siding is the usual basic tan, which is fine but its just the boring tan with white trim. I'm thinking I want to paint the door a burgundy or a dark navy color, pretty sure those two colors would look really good with the color of the siding. The rail, not sure about that yet. I don't know if it should be the same color as the door or just a very neutral/ laid back color that won't be fighting for attention. I could always just paint over it with the same dark green that's on there. Oh, I'm just so excited to start and finish this project so I can see the outcome and feel more welcomed when I walk up to the front door. If you have any ideas you would like to share please feel free. I would love some feedback...And I promise I will take pictures and show you the before and after...Because that is in fact the best part!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

My New Top

I made it! The top I said I wanted to make in my last post. I actually made it in less than 15 minutes! It didn't turn out quite how I wanted it, I cut it a little too much so it is a snug fit...But I really like it and the satisfaction I get knowing I made my very own top is so rewarding :) So here it is:

Yeah you can tell its just a bit sung but I love the stripes and colors. I do want to make more of them, it was so fast and easy. This material, for a yard, was $6- so it is really just about what you would spend on a shirt in the store maybe a little cheaper. But its not a run-of-the-mill top, so you know for a fact that no one will be wearing the same thing as you, which I love! Until I make some other tops I'll leave you with just a couple more pictures...

Hope you enjoy making your top as much as I did...I cannot wait to make more! :)

New Sewing Project...

I came across a post on --->Make It Lovely with this cute maxi dress... I ♥ the colors in this pattern!

Jessica referred to Hungry Hippie (I know how cute of a name is that) where she got the idea to make this absolutely cute dress. Natalie from Hungry Hippie had posted a "Poppy Top" (You know I love the name of it!) tute that I am going to try out, its actually in the link just above, if you wanna check it out and if not here is a picture of the top...But you should check out the tute too. (haha I worte: *tute too*)

I really really really like this it can be casual and dressy! I got some material to try it out on...

I love the stripes and the colors and its jersey knit! I just hope I can get it to look right when I'm done with it. I am super excited! Hopefully I'll have it done in a day or two so keep an eye out for the finished product...And be sure to check out Make It Lovely and Hungry Hippie they are great blogs!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Vintage Altered

I wanted to be more attentive to my blog so I figured I could at least up date with a short post...I'll mention before I post pictures, I should have had before and after pictures while wearing the dress but I didn't think of it before I altered it...And I have yet to take a picture with it on. Hopefully you will get the idea.

I love vintage and anything handmade! I got one of those out of this bag sale, thrifted dress I got.

And up close...

There was something about this dress I liked but there was oh so much I didn't like. The length was mid calf, I'm weird when it comes to dress lengths. And shoulder pads, ugh! Who ever thought shoulder pads were a good idea outside of sports was sadly mistaken...And since its summer I wasn't diggin' the sleeves.

I brought the hem up to just above the knee, brought in the sides a little and took care of the shoulder pads and sleeves. (The dress is still a little wide and frumpy but I have a pink belt that fixes that problem :)

Trust me I know it doesn't look like much on the hanger but it does look pretty cute on. I am so excited to alter and make more things...I just learned/taught myself to use the sewing machine. We're still getting acquainted but its moving along pretty well. I did break 2 needles though on this one project so I think I need to be a little more careful.

I do want to thank all the bloggers out there that have given me inspiration and great projects to try out! I cannot wait to see what I can come up with :)

Monday, June 20, 2011

Finally Got Around To It!

Oh my goodness! I cannot believe how long its been since I've been on here. Good thing I'm doing this as a just for me thing...

Well I did it and all by myself. I don't know if I shared before, a long while before, but I had this stuff and I was going to make a dress.

Well that turned into a mass of pictures leading up to a finished project for ♥ Little Leelah Lou ♥

Even though I couldn't figure out how to make a straight stitch and only after it took me 20min to figure out how to correctly thread and set the bobbin I made my first dress.

And it actually fits her and doesn't look half bad. I was so excited when I had sewn the final stitch. I cannot wait to make her more things. And maybe I'll have to make myself a thing or two...I do have a couple dresses that need a little altering...

Oh and I know the previous post was about some blue in the hair but how about an all over pink!

Yeah thats right, I got gutsy! I'm loving the completely unnatural hair and am already thinking about what to do next...

And I apologize, I cannot figure out how to rotate the pictures...