Saturday, November 20, 2010

Filing Cabinet or Room Decor?

If your husband is anything like mine you will understand the craziness. Trying to keep a house, or in our case a small one bedroom apartment, cleaned up is the most difficult of tasks. He has notebooks, papers, mail, pictures, just stuff everywhere. So I thought, a filing cabinet would help him keep his stuff in order and out of the way. I found one at Goodwill for $4- what a deal! But oh the ugliness, especially when his "office" is secluded to a small corner of our living room. The cabinet while still functioning as a filing cabinet turn into an end table. As I began to loathe looking at this thing in my living room I decided to pull out my crafting kit. Here is what I came up with: Of course I have to start with the before pictures...

Before: If you couldn't tell...
One more before...

And now using a sponge brush, Mod Podge, a phone book and blue paint this is what I was able to accomplish: This is the exciting part...

I figured with the cabinet being filled with papers and other paraphernalia I really didn't need to make the inside look any better. And I have just two more for you...

One close up. And that is all I have for you for now. Next post will be another baby project I finished some time ago.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

An Ugly Table : Turned Eye Candy

The last couple projects I've shared were more baby inspired. This one is just for me. I've had a table that was so ugly to look at that I kept it hidden with a huge scarf. This is it in all its ugliness...
I looked at it and thought I might as well get rid of it but couldn't bring my self to do so. And after seeing all that this wonderful woman does here-->  <--I though, "I can do something like that!" All I can say is that I was and am rather pleased with myself and the out come of my renewed table.
I had 4 ingredients to help me along with this and they were: clearanced yellow spray paint, fabric left over from baby projects, 1 scrapbook page and the Magical Awesomeness in a jar: Mod Podge. I made a table worth showing off... And here it is folks:

The newest addition to our living room! As for the chair in the back ground of this last picture I have no comment, it is ugly and worn but it is Ssoo comfortable. Maybe one day I'll get up the nerve to try and reupholster it. Probably not, I'll just keep an eye out for a good find on Craigslist. Actually probably not there either, that is in fact where I got this chair. Anyway I'll figure something out but for now I'll just enjoy my one finished living room project.