Sunday, October 10, 2010

For Baby!

As I have said before I procrastinate... I began this project with high hopes. It turned out well however, it took forever to do by hand so I only finished 4 altogether. I will eventually make more but I'm going to have to wait until I spend some quality, learning to use a sewing machine, time with grandma. I'm pretty excited about that. Anyway here goes... I start off by making my own patterns using cardboard. 
I had left over onesies from a baby shower game and decided to give plain white onesies some fun flare.
Using some fabric I had on hand I used my cardboard cutouts to make these:

As you can see the onesies didn't turn out too bad but would have been finished faster and more efficiently if they had not been sewn by hand. Nonetheless I'm pleased with the results and there are no complaints from the baby. :)
Even after baby out grows the onesie you can cutout the pattern and reuse it on a new bigger onesie or as I did, frame it for baby room decor.

I'm still figuring out how to use the photo thing on here, that may explain why my pictures are everywhere on the page.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable! I can't wait to accessorize some onesies in the future. Thanks for stopping by my blog too!


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